How to make your perfume last long in Winter

Just imagine - among the hundred options peeping out of the stores’ shelf you carefully picked a fragrance for the special winter party. Now, you are expecting the charming fragrance...

This Valentine’s Day, Spritzing Scent will be S...

Saying that a breeze of refreshing scent can elevate your mood would be an understatement. It actually feels like a quick therapy that revitalises us! So, what could be a...

Top 6 Fragrance Hacks Every Woman Should Know

You sure could be the proud owner of multiple fragrances at once. But do you know a few fragrance hacks could add a whole new vibe to your aesthetic? Here...

Top 5 Myths Busted for Grooming Roll-on for Women

Most of us have heard of the diss on roll-on deodorants for women. And they have been the most unbelievable to pure comedy as they defy any logical explanation or...

Top 5 Fragrances to Slay this Festive Season

HO HO HOliday season is here and we can’t keep calm! ‘Tis the season of partying without a stop and slaying in our trendiest winter clothes. So let your hair...

The Difference Between Gas Deo and No-Gas Deo

Have you considered poking your brains into understanding what the difference between a gas deo and a no-gas deo is? Well, the main difference is that gas deodorants contain vaporiser...

Difference Between Antiperspirant And Deo

Now it depends on the day, doesn’t it, whether you can maintain a Zen master-like calm over your sweaty underarms or you’re hellbent on pulling off a gorgeous outfit at...

Fragrance Myth-busters

What’s a good fragrance myth you’ve heard? Well, WE definitely have heard alot. Isn’t it wonderful (absurdly) how our ignorance mixed with myths sometimes can give us a lot of...

The importance of fragrance in grooming

To understand the importance of fragrance in grooming, it is important to consider that the significance of using fragrances for grooming dates back to ancient times. It is not a...